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Low Urine Symptoms, causes, Diagnosis Health Tips

Low Urine Symptoms, causes, Diagnosis Health Tips

Low Urine syymptoms occurs in the settings of disease of kidney failure as well as urinary obstruction, if sometimes kidney fails it comprises in their function, kidneys struck to their lose their ability to regulate fluids and electrolytes and remove waste particles from the human body, in addition red blood cells produce their normal driven by substance to produce in the kidneys decreases, low urine output also occurs when the blood becomes decrease, such as dehydration or waste blood, obstruct of outflow of urine, to enlarge prostates, or kidney bladder problems can reduce their urine functionality, blood toxins sepsis, chronic failure develops over time and can result to control hypertension.

Other Various reasons of low urine output, acute Glomerulonephritis, to acute Tubular Necrosis, Bacterial fungal infection, bladder outlet, Gal Bladder Stones, Well Certain Medications, Chronic Glomerulonephritis, waste of blood vessels, syndrome pasture, may cause lever failure, pelvic tumours, posterior urethral valves, thrombotic purpura, toxins, tumors

Medical term for to decrease output of urine symptoms, dehydration is the most common symptoms of urine output, well dehydration occurs when you are with diarrhea, huge vomitig, and other sysptoms and can replace with fluids that you have lose, sometime kidney happens retain in much fluid as possible. Infection are less situations of oligura, they can have body to go into shock, reduce blood flow to our organs.

Urinary Tract Obstruction : it has blockage causes of urine cannot leave out your kidneys, affect one or both kidneys affects, results in a decrease urine ouput, depends on how fast of obstruction occurs, blockage can also cause other various problems. you should always alert your personal doctor to decrease urine output, should keep you emergency medical attention, due to various infections, have to quick medical treatment.

Low urine symptoms occurs that human body who are sick and lost too many liquids commonly experience, it also occurs people have obstructs to their urinary tract, body may produce less urine for several different variations, Dehydration occurs when our human body does not get enough good liquid from the diet or its releases liquid too fast for a person, water represents maximum 60% of the body weight of thoe with healthy mass index, it takes a loss about 3% of body weight of water for a person to begin to dehydrate.

Dehydration from sickness is especially is very bad to young childrens, they may unable to comunicate their use. Drink slowly and drink more water who can help combat with dehydration, drink high fluids, such as fruits and healthy vegetable soups, may human body to well enough and eat them, doctors may also provide special electrolyte drinks to replenish the body salts and liquids, in severe cases.

Causes of Oliguria Symptoms of Urine output can be follow as two types, there are Pre renal and Post renal, Pre renal supports of Oliguria through blood flow relates to kidneys, when they have lack of blood supply to the kidneys its functions can take functions. Lack of blood flow is another way to decrease urine output method,

Common causes in the Aetiology of Oliguria includes various casues

1) Dehydration

2) Total Urinary Problem tract obstruction

3) Various Medications

4) Loss of blood

5) Severe infection

Must follow the Symptoms of Oliguria:

- Fluid retention

- Dark Urine (like yellow urine, blue urine many ways)

- Fatigue and lot body pains

- Nausea and urine swelling

- Causes of Fever

- Symptoms of Vomiting

Home Doctor will have to suggest Number of Tests to follow:

- Blood Tests

- CT Scan

- Urinalysis

- Intravenous Pyelogram

- Abdominal Ultrasound

- Urine culture