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How Yoga Poses Can Help With Back Pain

Back Pain is a very common issues now a days for every both men and women, who leads active life style, Yoga poses ia for both mental and physical strong practice can calm both mind and body to strengthen to the human body, Here some of the yoga poses may hep with back pain, by stretching and strong muscles in the back, with other form of exercise includes both cardio and weight training to get better results

Here some of the Yoga Poses to keep Strong Back Pain:

1) Child Pose

2) Downward Facing Dog

3) Cat Cow Pose

4) Sphinx Pose

5) Bridge Pose

6) Two Knee Twist

Child Pose to Reduce Back Pain :

- Start on all fours with legs together

- Now move hand forward and backward so that arms are full extend together

- Place the forehead to the ground

- Sink the body Back to move forward and backward, gently to the heels

- Hold the Yoga poses upto 40 seconds to 3 minutes

Note: If body pains leave it, make practice daily upto 10 seconds to stretch body to reduce back pain

2) Downward-Facing Dog

- Starts in all four position with the leg knees under the hips to handle with the wrists and body shoulders

- Make you body weight into the hands and bring the body up to the knees

- Should should naturally moves back to move forward as spines legs lengthen, bend the knee and feel tailbone rise to the ceiling

- Keep the leg heels slightly off the foreground at first, to easy them back position to get more comfortable, stretch in the lower back and legs

- Hold the body position upto 30 seconds, keep this pose daily practice for better results

3) Cat Cow Pose Yoga

Its helps bring movement to the back spine and to get strong muscles of the back and shoulders

- To do best exercises for cat cow pose, sit on all fours with the wrist line upto beneath the shoulders and the knees line upto underneath and the hips, keep the back straight 

- Keep arms and legs straight and look up with the head, to let the stomach gently push toward the floor

- Bring head down and tuck the chin into the chest, pull the navel in towards the spine and back arch 

- Do this exercise atleast 40 seconds, be notice anywhere there is the tension to the humanbody and try to relax in that area

4. Sphinx Pose Yoga

- Start by lying face down, keep the feet in line with hips, place the tops to the feet on the floor

- Bring the elbows together, under the shoulers with the palms of the hands, facking down on the mat

- Use the hands, forearms and elbows to gently lift the trunk up off the mat, bring forearms and hands with gently pulling the chest forward

- Hold this yoga pose upto 40 seconds

5) Bridge Yoga Pose

- To perform this pose, lie on the back with backarms at the sides and the plams of the hands on the mat

- Bend the knees and bring the heels to sit near the buttocks with the leg feet flat on the floor

- Press into the feet and arms, lift the tailbone off the floor toward the ceiling, do this until the thighs are parallel on the floor

- Slow release the body to the ground and torso down 

- Do this pose up to 10 seconds then gently lower back to the ground repeat this pose until active workout

6) Two Knee Twist

- This is the best exercise to do daily to reduce back pain with arms extended out to either side of the body

- Knees upto the chest and relax

- Slowly lower the legs to one side of the body, keep knees close together

- Knees on a pillow on right side and leftside, hold upto 20 seconds

- Bring the legs back upto the center and repeat the process on both sides

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