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9 Top home remedies foods for Ulcer Healing

9 Top home remedies foods for Ulcer Healing
Ulcers are sores that we separate in different way of the body, Gastric Ulcers or Body Stomach Ulcers to develop in lining, its effects between 2.4-6.2% of the population, its disrupts through balance your stomach can cause them, its has various infection caused by the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria

These are the Top Nine foods natural ulcer remedies

1) Cabbage Juice

2) Licorice

3) Honey

4) Garlic (Eat Morning 4 Garlic and night 4 Garlic with honey mixed)

5) Turmeric

6) Mastic

7) Chili Peppers

8) Alovera

9) Probiotics, Cranberries, Ginger