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Top 10 Best Tips for healthy eyes, rich foods

Top 10 Best Tips for healthy eyes, rich foods
Top enrich sources includes oranges and orange juice, red and green belly peppers, grapefruit, strawberries, broccoli and kale leafy fruits, use one glass of fresh squeeze orange juice, its contains more than100 per cent of RDA with high enriched Vitamin C, it helps you get your heart disease and may prevent variety of disease like cancer, use daily best nutrition foods.

Milk is good source of riboflavin, it reduce risk of cataracts, it well helps with fortified with Vitamin A, its leads to among eye diseases health vitamins, choose low fatty acids milk over whole milk keeps to saturated fat low and prevents plaque build in blood vessels. 

Honey is best intake body food, natural sweetness and sugar replacement, it also use all over the world,  it has high wound healing, sooting, antimicrobial, honey can reduces the inflmatory and irritation in your eye, it kills harmful bacteria and causes eye infection. 

Saliva is considers to natural disinfects and animals to encourage to lick wounds and promotes healing, saliva is a water with over 2% consists of electrolytes, mucus antibacterial.

- Person a eye exams dont just pick up with eye issues, but sometimes can cover general health problems like high blood pressure and low blood pressure, diabetes, get potent sight threatens eye problem conditions like glaucome get several symptoms vision can lost without realise, if you have symptoms of blur, change the appearance of your eyes, eat health green vegetables, to get balanced diet includes foods high rich antioxidants, also include high rich omega 3 fatty acids, found in fish oily fish, if a food is good for heart health, its good for your eyes.

- Wear Ultraviolet sunglasses while you going outside, exposure when young does the most harm to your eyes, so dont forgot the sunglasses as well hat and sunblock for every person, always use Australian standford rates sunglasses to ensure the sunglasses are doing they should heavy coating platlet, and added to your body, lens treatment already included.

- Use Nutritional supplements when there is a family history of AMD, includes various lutein, zeaxanthin, high zinc an vitamin c supplements, recent studies said that indicates a benefit of doing this flaxseed and linolenic oils can recover eye issue.

- Safety eyewear, while you playing sports, work outside, are doing home improvements projects, safety eyewear is a must, we want to protect your eyes from all types of injuries, wear eye glasses, a routine eye is a exam can screen for various eye releated issues.

People are suffering from eyesight is an inevitable way for result of eye stress/strain, in healthy life style can be significant reduce the risk of health problems

- Fish support for eye health rich foods like ( tuna, herring, anchovies, sardines, mackerel, trout, salmon, tuna and many more fishes name are present )

- Nut and lugumes are most rich foods like ( walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts, lentils )

- Seeds are high rich vitamins for eyes ( hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds )

- Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin c, are same as Vitamin E, and C, which are high in antioxidant, these are foods with eye damage foods

- Green leaf vegeables are most powerful foods for eyes ( spinach, collards, kale )

- Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, and beta carotene, gives their orange color

- Other foods like Sweet potatoes,Beef, Eggs,