Oils and Nutrition Make us Reasons to Eat Healthy

Oils and Nutrition make us healthy

1.      Olive oil:

The olive oil boom started with the "Mediterranean diet", which is a dietary habit on the Mediterranean coast, but recently it has been attracting attention as being good for health.

Somehow olive oil is good for you. I'm sure there are people who have the image, but this time I would like to introduce the reason why olive oil is said to be good for your health.

These are the three points where olive oil is said to be good for your health.

1.       Olive oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids.

2.       It contains "polyphenols" that prevent oxidation.

3.       It is a "lipid" of the three major nutritional components including essential fatty acids.

 Olive oil nutrients

 Olive oil is, of course, oil.

Fatty acids, which are the main components of oil, are divided into saturated fatty acids that are solid at room temperature, such as butter and lard, which are also considered to be the cause of triglycerides, and unsaturated fatty acids that are liquid at room temperature, such as olive oil and sesame oil. I will.

From there, it is further classified into polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 series, 6 series, and 9 series.

Olive oil is mainly composed of oleic acid, so it is said to be an omega-9 oil. This omega-9 oil is said to be difficult to oxidize. Although it can be made by the body, it may be insufficient by itself, so dietary intake is recommended.

In addition, although the main component is omega-9 fatty acid, it also contains omega-3 and 6 linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are essential fatty acids that cannot be produced in the body.


2.       Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is an oil extracted from the endosperm of coconut palm.

It is an oil that contains a lot of saturated fatty acids, which is rare for vegetable oils.



Coconut oil contains a large amount of "medium chain fatty acids" among saturated fatty acids, and is characterized by rapid digestion and absorption and rapid decomposition.

It is also contained in breast milk and is sometimes used to replenish energy after surgery and for premature babies.

It has the property of hardening when the temperature drops below about 20 ° C, but it is difficult to oxidize and is resistant to heat.

It has a sweet scent of coconut and can be used deliciously by spreading it on bread instead of butter, but refined types with the scent removed for cooking.

What is coconut oil?

There are two types of coconut oil, which are distinguished by the method of production.

It is said that the taste, flavor, and nutrients differ depending on the type, so it is best to choose according to your purpose.



2.1   Virgin coconut oil


 Oil that is squeezed at low temperature without refining. Contains abundant nutritional components. Among them, the one with high aroma and quality is called "extra virgin oil".

2.2   RBD (refined) coconut oil


Oil squeezed at high temperature, chemically treated, deodorized and bleached. Light scent and easy to use. In terms of nutritional value, we recommend coconut oil (expeller) that has been squeezed at low temperature and separated by fermentation.

However, it is said that the non- expeller dried coconut pressing method does not change much in nutrients other than enzymes, and the centrifugation method is said to have less peculiar aroma and is refreshing and easy to eat.

Some refined coconut oil is deodorized by natural methods such as activated carbon instead of chemical methods, so if you are concerned about the scent, we recommend choosing such products.

3.       Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is an oil made by pressing the seeds of sunflowers belonging to the Asteraceae family. Among salad oils, sunflower oil is characterized by low saturated fatty acids. It also contains high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and is rich in ingredients such as linoleic acid and vitamin E.


It is an oil that is often used in margarine when it is mainly edible, so it can be said that many people are familiar with it. In addition to being edible, it is also used as a skin care oil, massage oil, and as a carrier oil for aromatherapy, so it can be said to have a wide variety of uses.

There are two types of sunflower oil: oleic acid-rich oil and linoleic acid-rich oil. The type with a lot of oleic acid has the advantage of being more heat resistant and less likely to oxidize than other types of oil.

6 effects and effects of sunflower oil (sunflower oil / sunflower oil)!

Sunflower oil contains a lot of nutrients that are very good for beauty and health. Typical nutrients include oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are essential fatty acids, vitamins (A, D, E), and other minerals.

If you are interested in beauty and health, you may have used sunflower oil. Below are 6 selections of the effects and effects of sunflower oil.

3.1.  Prevention of aging! Anti-aging effect

Sunflower oil contains antioxidants that suppress active oxygen. It is important to suppress active oxygen because it causes aging and illness. Therefore, by suppressing activated oxygen, it prevents skin troubles and helps maintain health, so it has an anti-aging effect.

It is effective for beauty and health maintenance, so you can keep your body much younger.


3.2.  Moisturizing effect for dry skin

Sunflower oil moisturizes hardened skin. Perfect for people with dry and dry skin or those with dry skin. Recommended for prevention and care of rough skin.

3.3.  Improvement of constipation

Edible sunflower oil has the effect of activating intestinal activity, so it can be expected to improve constipation. Recommended for those who are usually constipated and in trouble.

3.4.  Cholesterol lowering

Taking sunflower oil reduces bad cholesterol. It is said that you can lower cholesterol in a healthy way because it reduces only bad cholesterol without reducing good cholesterol.

3.5.  Moisturizing effect of hair

Sunflower oil (sunflower oil) can be used to moisturize hair. And it recovers the damage caused by drying. At the same time as moisturizing, it is also effective for hair problems such as cut hair and split ends.

3.6. Anti-inflammatory effect

Sunflower oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is also effective for care when you have a bruise.


Oils and Nutrition make us healthy

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is sunflower oil healthy