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Top 7 Power Yoga Workouts

Yoga is powerful for mind to relax body, its controls through blood circulation to your full body blood vessels, is variates through tradition yoga much more than term through "Gym Yoga" power yoga is a revampation version of ancient yoga for the fast paced with new modern technology, it sweats and stimulates pumping and mind, body relaxing.

Power Yoga is energy vessels through blowing life changing, you have to try seven power yoga workouts and can begin with Before that intensive to learn about how power yoga came to be

Here are the Best Power Yoga Style with the following Steps and Position

1) Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)

2) Paripurna Navasana (boast Pose)

3) Ustrasana (camel pose)

4) salabhasana (locust pose)

5) Chaturanga Dandasana (plank pose)

6) Adho Mukha Svanasana (downard facing dog pose)

7) Utkatasana (chair pose)

1) Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose)

Its tell about half moon pose, have to see half moon and its beginning way to do Hatha Yoga Asana, Have to practice slow and slow with empty stomach or evening after a gap of 4-6 hours from last meal and hold upto 10-20 seconds

Advantages : Its strength to body, legs, buttocks, and spine, stretch with hamstrings and opens your hips, ardha chandrasana builds to your whole body.

2) Paripurna Navasana (boat pose)

Looks like boast pose, have to see in "V" shape similar to boart, its a low level Ashtanga Yoga Asana, uses for stomach and clean bowels, hold the Pose up to 10-30 seconds, do it in twice or thrice

Advantages : Improve your body digestion, improves thryoid and intestines, improves your confidence and relieve stress

3) Ustrasana (camel pose)

Advantages : Its strengths you body back and shoulders, improves your posture and respiration levels, controls through lower backache and strength your thighs.

4) Salabhasana (locust pose)

Advantages : its strength through muscular body levels of your upper and lower back , pose through anxiety and calms your brain, its strengths through arms and increases body levels

5) Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)

Advantages : increase you core stability, relaxation with mind and body position, increases your stamina by strengthens your arms, legs and wrists

6) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

Advantages : produce energy levels and rejuvenates you lungs capacity and relieves mild depression, strengths your bones, controls Osteoporosis

7) Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Advantages : Utkatasana produces your body determination and tones your knee muscles, strengths your ankles, calves and hip flexors, stretches your chest and stimulates you heart health.

Note : Do these all Asana Pose atleast 10-30 seconds with 2 times, on both morning and evening before breakfast.

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