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Tips for iron health should not miss

Health is much more than the absence of disease. Eating well, exercising, maintaining a good mood, sleeping well, and avoiding tension and stress are also essential so that your body is 100% and you feel invincible inside and out.

For this reason, we have selected for you, from our Ommiad health portal, the fundamental tips for leading a healthy life.

Here are the best 15 tips for iron health.

Move every day

Make a full breakfast

Try to sleep 8 hours

Maintain a healthy weight

Laugh, the best medicine!

Say no to tobacco and moderate alcohol

Light and early dinner

Choose seasonal foods

Meditate for a few minutes every day

Protect your skin from the sun

Take care of your se*xu*al health

Maintain proper hygiene

Go to medical check-ups

Yes to nap!

Keep your mind active

Move every day

Try to move every day! 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise a day is essential to enjoy good health, maintain weight and feel more active. Running, cycling, practicing a sport or even going for a walk. You have no excuse! If you like to dance, rumba is a good option for you. A fun activity and with which you can burn calories. The perfect exercise!

What sport suits you the most?

Make a full breakfast for Iron Health

Take a few minutes for yourself every morning and have a breakfast that includes, as the most important element, carbohydrates, such as whole grains or a couple of toasts, to give your body energy. It’s what you’ll burn first. It is a good idea to introduce a serving of dairy and a fruit, to provide minerals and vitamins.

Try to sleep 8 hours

We do not ask you to never stay up late, but try to go to bed at a more or less fixed time, coinciding with the hours of sunshine. If you can sleep well for 8 hours, all the better! Try that the hours you dedicate to sleep each night are never less than 6 or more than 10. So you will have energy to face whatever you want!

Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight and, of course, obesity, are risk factors in many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. The best thing to be healthy and feel good about yourself is to maintain a healthy weight (a BMI between 21 and 24). But don’t be obsessed either! Remember that a beautiful body is one that is healthy, and too low a weight also carries health risks. Take the care of yourself and love to own yourself.

Laugh, the best medicine!

We have plenty of reasons to assure you that laughter is one of the best medicines. According to research by Richard Wiseman, laughter activates the language and memory regions of the brain, as well as the pleasure centers. If you laugh often, you secrete hormones of well-being, the same ones of sexual pleasure or when you enjoy your favorite dish. Laughing de-stresses, improves mood, self-esteem and allows you to connect with the people you care about. Smile at life!

Say no to tobacco and moderate alcohol

We know very well that smoking is one of the most harmful habits for health, since it carries a great risk of various types of cancer and other respiratory diseases. Since nicotine is toxic, it will also worsen the appearance of your skin, your hair, your teeth, it causes bad breath … Tobacco, the further away the better!

Alcohol, for its part, is also a poison with great addictive power. Do not drink more than 4 units of alcohol per week! In addition, you always have alternatives without alcohol for your events and meetings with friends. Being healthy is in!

Light and early dinner

Avoid very heavy dinners. It is better to have a light dinner so that you do not go to sleep with a very full stomach, which could make it difficult for you to rest. Plus, you’ll help keep calories in check!

Choose seasonal foods

Eating a balanced diet is not enough. It is also very important that you choose seasonal foods, that is, that they are fresh, since they correspond to the time of year in which they are picked. In this way you will ensure that you have all the nutrients in the food and of the best quality. Know the fruits and vegetables in season. There is one for each month!

Meditate for a few minutes every day

Being spiritual is also a healthy value. Meditating every day for 30 minutes has been shown to have powerful effects against stress, combat pain, and improve self-esteem. Try the mindfulness technique, a lifestyle that applies the best of eastern meditation and adapts it to your world. Cheer up! You will know yourself better.

Protect your skin from the sun

Do not abuse the sun! Sometimes, looking to improve the appearance of the skin with a nice tan, we achieve the opposite: abusing UV rays accelerates the aging of the skin, which will appear dry and aged. Not to mention that it is a risk factor in the development of skin cancer. The sun is also a pleasure, but in its proper measure.

Take care of your se*xu*al health

The classic ‘put it on, put it on’ never goes out of style. You must remember to use a condom in your sexual relations, since no one gets rid of the possible Se*xu*ally Transmitted Infections that may exist in your possible partners. The Human Papilloma Virus is one of them, and also very frequent!

Maintain proper hygiene

We know that you take good care of yourself to look good and be healthy, but from time to time we make hygiene mistakes that can lead to a health problem. For example, every time you go to the bathroom, it is essential that you clean your intimate area with a movement from front to back. Otherwise, you could introduce bacteria that cause a health problem, such as vaginal yeast infection or urine infection, into your vagina or urethra.

Go to medical check-ups

We know it’s lazy, but you should visit your doctor from time to time. The gynecologist should see you at least once a year to make sure there are no cancerous lesions or sexual infections. Also, every 12 months, get a blood test and a full checkup. If you have a suspicious mole on your skin, do not hesitate to go to the dermatologist to rule out any injury!

Love and let yourself be loved

Health is also related to the quality of your interpersonal relationships. And remember, we say quality and not quantity. A friend is a treasure and you must take care of him because, among other things, spending time with your loved ones secretes well-being hormones, releases stress, and has a multitude of positive effects on your health.

Yes to nap!

You may not have time to sleep for a few minutes each day after eating, but if so, we assure you that it is very beneficial. Napping for about 30 minutes each day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 37%, according to a Greek study. Plus, it releases stress.

Keep your mind active

Have you ever heard that of means sane in corpora sane? To have good health and be perfect inside and out, you must cultivate your mind with the activities that you like the most: reading a book, painting, playing an instrument. Embrace everything that makes you happy!

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